"it's not about software.  it's about the data and what you want from it."

or.  "it's not what you have. it's how you use it."

joe slagle

joseph c slagle dba plateau marketing

the simplest way - pun intended - to explain occam? the simplest, most obvious answer, is usually the best solution. the shortest distance between two points is a line segment that directly joins them. Use the simplest process. Store data in the fewest entities.

joseph c slagle dba plateau marketing

simple in business might overlook customers deserving service; high-profit, low-volume, long-term customers; or, prospects that do not fit the typical profile. you are bogged down in details. i am not. the relationship between us is the yin-yang to minimize those errors.

joseph c slagle dba plateau marketing

it's been said that every song has already been written and the possiblities are endless. there are a bunch of great videos on this, and I'll post one of my faves at the end, but you can hear the same four-chord progression in multiple songs.

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we have all taken jobs or performed work that we don't believe in. i can't do that anymore.

how does your initiave serve humanity (your customers), others (your employees) in the need to serve yourself (your company)? you want to make money through contracting with me. you're dashboarding, integrating, implementing, etc., to either sell more, reduce cost, or provide better service to increase retention.

I found my best work for both of us is when the client truly has the customer and employee needs and perspectives as important as money.